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VashtheStampede Adatlap információk

I'm an identical twin, & like nerd stuff
Év 38 Honnan való? Deming, New Mexico - Elérhető - 2 héttel ezelőtt
Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

Idegen nyelvek:  
I am on the gentler side, demeanor-wise, but I do enjoy a good laugh, warm hearth, and certainly good peace! Sounds suspiciously like a hobbit! I deeply enjoy tabletop roleplaying games. Honestly, I WISH I'D FOUND OUT ABOUT THEM SOONER! But ask that aside, I'm a cuddler, and love being at home, curled up in a blanket, watching anime, a Netflix series (or documentaries...!), or a good action/adventure flick. To be honest, I also love watching good gamers play through great video games! It's stimulating, and super neat! I love video games--console, PC board games...all of it! I'm not really good at them personally, but I do absolutely adore them! Like I said above: ttrpgs are my JAM! From DnD, to Starfinder (or even Pathfinder), to BESM 2e & 3e, to a little bit of Shadowrun, to freaking Battletech: A Time of War...! Like, holy crap! These things ROCK! And if I don't know it yet, I'm more than happy to learn!

Being able to share these happy hobbies and loves with another would be great! Being able to laugh with, joke with, be comfortable with, share with, and be with someone who is like-minded and has a similar passion for storytelling and gaming, as well as (and even more importantly so) a passion, love, and respect for me as I demonstrate and give to them as well, would be awesome!

I have two amazing children, who I deeply adore. My son is awesome, and very musically talented! My daughter is so curious and interested! They are my life right now. I love then completely, as a father ought. That will never change.

Understand, however, that the relationship I build with you (whoever you may be) will be the utter priority over all else! I want that, and I spurn at the idea of people trying to connect through dating sites who blatantly declare that their children come first. It's like..excuse me? Why are you even on these websites/apps?

I digress! Lol! So yeah, I do have a lot to offer! I cook! I'm an uncertified pit master! I make good, home-cooked meals, and I work full-time to provide the basic necessities for my family. I also will do my best to foster (for my part) a safe, loving environment for all my family!

Certainly, I'm no perfect little angel, but I am me. And I'm getting used to understanding what it means to be okay with that. I have had my share of troubles with organization, planning, and thinking ahead, which, over the years, i have been working on. I have deeply emotional responses to just about everything, despite my outwardly quiet-seeming nature. I can be a little lazy sometimes, but never indolent--maybe a selective laziness? Lol! If stunting needs being done, get it in front of my face and/or eyes, and it'll surely get done!

As I said above, I am currently going through a divorce. A lot of things were done and choices were made that weren't the best on my part and on the ex's, but beyond all of that, I will always be loyal. Loyalty is one of my biggest strengths.

I'm willing to give it another go!

That's why we get extra lives!

Not yet wanting to jump right into a deep relationship right off the bat, but for now looking to make connections, and meet cool people! If we find each other, and things seem to be going great, hey! No problem! Just will have to go slow at first.

So yeah! If you like what you read, or even see, hit me up! Let's talk!

Megjelenés és helyzete

Egy kis felesleg
1.85 m
Szemeim színe  
Családi állapotom  
Külön élő
Vannak gyerekeim  
Igen - Otthonon kivül
Szeretnék gyerekeket  
Nem biztos benne
Az amire büszke vagyok:  
Nem is gondolkodom ilyenen
Hajam színe:  


Főiskolai végzettség
Művészet / Zene / Irodalom
Bus Attendant - Deming Public Schools
Ez évi bevételem  
3,656,479 - 7,312,715 HUF
Egyedül, A szüleimmel, A háziállataimmal
Nyugodt környezet
Kedvelem az alkoholt  


A középiskolában  
Szociális magatartásom:  
Tartózkodó, Szégyenlős, Figyelmes, Barátságos, Komikus
Vallás, spiritualitás, Család centrikus tartalom, Vacsorák, Művészet és kézművesség, Zene, Televizió, Filmek, Internet, Játékok, Utazás, Főzés, Halászat / Vadászat, Kempingezés, Számítógépek
Tökéletes szórakozás?  
Barátkozás, Otthon tartózkodás, Filmezés, Lazítás, Alvás, Könyv olvasása, Öltözködős játékok, Számítógépes játékok, Televizió, Koncert, Múzeum
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:  
LET'S GET SOME FREAKING GOOD FOOD! Did I mention I am a foodie?
Mindig kipróbáltam volna a(z)  
I've always wanted to try paragliding, but I've also always wanted to try my hand at baking!
Így látnak barátaim:  
Barátságos, Királyinak, Ostobának


Vallási nézeteim:  
Utolsó Napok Szentjei (LDS)
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:  
Hetente egyszer
My goal in life is to make awesome epic orchestral music, be a husband and a father, and make good food!
Hajtűdobáló, Okos, Barátságos, Ostobának, Burleszk, Szadista


Mit nézek?  
Rajzfilmek, Dokumentumfilm, Filmek
Mit nézek a moziban?  
Akció, Tudományos fantasztikum, Animáció, Krimi
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a  
Rock, Metal, Klasszikus, Énekes vagyok, Blues, Jazz, Folk
Mit olvasok?  
Komikus, Fikció, Fikció, Zene, Vallásos irodalom, Tudományos fantasztikum
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:  
Playing ttrpgs!


Mit tart vonzónak?  
Szellemesség, Spontaneitás, Érzékenység, Empátia, Ügyesség, Humor, Jó kinézet, Komolyság, Tudás
Mi az ami után kutat?  
I look for someone who is kind, empathetic, but also fiery and has a great personality! Looks are nice, but I'm not going for that like I may have in the past. I eventually want commitment, but starting out, let's be friends first!
Mi után kutat?  
Internet társ, Barát